Ceviche Peruano




Ceviche Peruano

Ceviche is Peru’s national dish, a spicy, raw fish salad made with citrus juice, chili pepper, and other seasonings:

    • Ingredients
      Typically includes raw fish, lime or lemon juice, salt, chili pepper, and onion. Other ingredients can include garlic, potatoes, sweet potatoes, celery, cilantro, cumin, passion fruit, or orange juice.
  • Preparation

    The fish is marinated in the citrus juice, which “cooks” the fish by denaturing the protein and giving it a slightly cooked texture. The fish is usually opaque and firm when it’s done. 

  • Serving
    Ceviche is often served with lettuce leaves, canchita (kernels of corn), and sweet potato slices.


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